Nintendo It is associated with cute games that are also aimed at children. Whether it is Mario, The Legend of Zelda series or Pokemon. Only rarely have we had a game as dark as this one. Luigi’s Mansion. But that could change. A Japanese company has released a dark trailer for a mysterious game nicknamed Emio.
In the short video, we see a figure with a paper bag on his head. He has drawn eyes and a big smile. Emyo means “smile” or “a person who smiles” in Japanese. The video goes on to say that the game is for Switch and determined for adults – this is evidenced by the ESRB rating for adults 17+.
Nintendo has been asking on social media who Emio is. So the name seems to be getting more attention. It probably won’t be the official name of the game. But it could be the name of the main antagonist.
This may be a new project from a Polish studio. Team Bluber? The head of the authors of The Medium, Layers of Fear and the remake of Silent Hill 2 spoke about the collaboration with Nintendo in a recent interview.
Source :Indian TV