The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan launched the program So-Fu, designed to help select young developers. They expect financial support from the government, the provision of necessary contacts in the industry and the help of professional mentors, including, for example, the head of the G-mode company, Koichi Takeshita, or Tomoko Mija, the marketing manager of the G-mode company. Games with fire baits.
Individuals and teams can apply to participate in the program. They must be Japanese or developers with permanent residence in Japan and have completed high school education. Conversely, applicants must not be over 35 years of age. Registered authors will attend specialized lectures, create production plans and at the end, in less than a year, will have the opportunity to present their project to investors.
This is the first such government project aimed at young developers in Japan. In addition, a similar one is starting for filmmakers. The Ministry is collaborating with a similar program initiative Indie game incubatorwho helped or is helping to create games such as Never wake up, 34EVERLAST, Death to the guitar And Strange shadow.
Source :Indian TV