Assassin Olaf TFT Explained

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TFT players may be wondering what the Killer Olaf is. This incredibly fun transport is included in Set 7 and has tons of versatility.

As we approach the end of Set 7 and the dawn of Set 7.5, we can take a look at the units featured in the meta during Quarter 7. Olaf was an extremely powerful unit, capable of destroying even four and five cost units, although it initially only cost him three gold. But once softened, it remained relevant in the competitive meta. However, it was only truly viable when players gave it the Assassin Spatula and paired it with the correct units.

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Giving Olaf the Assassin’s Spatula in TFT gives him the Assassin trait and all the effects that go with it, like dive into the back lane and take critical damage. To optimize Assassin Olaf, players should prioritize items that are already focused on high damage. These include Infinity Edge, to play well with the Assassin trait, and Runaan’s Hurricane, to allow him to deal with multiple enemies at once.

You can also give Assassin Olaf items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade or even Rapid Firecannon, as these allow him to disperse enemies much faster and even do so more safely with Rapid Firecannon. To pair units with Olaf, you should ideally take the three-star Diana with Olaf, as they share the same stats and are lethal on their own. The other units are Shen, Pyke and Talon.

Source : dbl tap

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