The kingdom comes: the liberation of 2 is finally here. And it is vast, difficult and tireless. Not only the first steps are the most important and the need to prepare for suchField so, we have prepared a list of tips for the beginningTo make you offend as little as possible in the role of Jindra and enjoy as large as possible. Let’s do it.
Video sponsor Playman and Kingdom come: Liberation 2Field
From the reason for the reasons for the story at the beginning of the game you will not have a cruel companion with a cruel companion. You will get the task of finding this in the near future. But even if he sends you more than half of the card – which may not be before your game – We recommend this task not to delay longer than necessaryField
VoRESH is part of the game compared to the first episode, so it is expected that it will be more. Together with the improvement of the handler, you get, for example, benefits that can improve your charisma, and this allows you to facilitate the organization. As an alternative, they are intimidated. It also actively helps you to fight, and the fight against superiority cannot always act impossible. Especially when you can send free fry to this archer from behindDo not make you problems.
But the main thing is that this can help you in various tasks. Often you get the opportunity to allow him to smell the object so that he can lead you to where you need it. So many tasks make it much easier. Well, he’s just a good boy … Just make sure that you tell him from time to time. It is necessary to maintain good relations with him and continuously feed. If you stop entertaining you, you can send it, and then return to certain places in the game.
Source :Indian TV