The PC version was unlocked yesterday at five evening Kingdom comes: Liberation 2 And today he has the first modification that was very popular in the first episode. The mod deleys restrictions on positioning positions.
Like the first part of this historical RPG from the Warhorse Czech studio, the second part uses an unusual storage system. Automatic storage occurs at key points, while the salvation of hands is possible only after drinking a special drink called SejvoviceHowever, it cannot be used during a battle or other tense situations that may not correspond to every player.
Modification of unlimited economy II This system modifies and allows you to save the game at any time without consuming Sejvovice. It is important to note that its use does not block the acquisition of achievements. However, the author of the module indicates that It is still impossible to save when the game clearly prohibits the gameBefore using the F5 key that is assigned to the mod, it is good to make sure that the preservation actually happened.
The installation of modification is simple – just download the files, unpack them and place them in the Mods folder in the game ([disk]: \ Program Files (X86) \ Steam \ Steamapps \ Common \ KingdomComedelivence2/Mods). If the folder does not exist, it must be created.
Source :Indian TV