GTA 6 will probably work on consoles of 30 frames per second, 60 frames, possibly before PC – Indian

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Expected Grand Theft Auto VI It is approaching, and fans cannot wait not only the games themselves, but also how they will be technically. Rockstar animator Mike York, who worked on GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2, shared his opinion on the performance of the game.

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According to York, it is unlikely that the gangster action will continue on consoles in 60 frames per second, and rather expects Stable 30 frames per secondField “I think this will be focused on the blocked 30 frames per second, so the frequency of personnel never drops below this value.” He said in an interview with Kiwi Tershn.

While the GTA 5 on PS5 and Xbox Series X works for 60 frames per second, we must not forget that this game was released in 2013 on the PS3 and Xbox One, and the creators had a lot of time to optimize.

“I do not believe that the game will work on 60 cadet consoles when released, if any AI Appaler, similar PlayStation, is not used.” complements York. “Maybe on the PS5 Pro, but I’m not sure about it” He adds York to look at the first trailer. Stable 30 frames per second can be wonderful technologies.

York also noted that He did not work in Rockstar for several years And he does not have accurate information about what optimization methods use Studio. However, on the basis of his experience, Rockstar awaits Concentrate mainly on quality and gameplayWhile higher images per second may appear later, in the PC version or in the next generation of consoles.

This fall, Grand Theft Auto VI is planned for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, and the PC version has not yet been confirmed.

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Source :Indian TV

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