It should hit the market at the same time as the new Call of Duty.
Already at the beginning of this year, it has attracted attention regarding wild guessesbehind which is an insider with the nickname TheGhostOfHope. In the past, it has gained attention mainly due to various leaks regarding the Call of Duty series.
This time he focused his interest on the new console from Microsoft, which, according to him, should go on sale in 2026. Although he talks about the new console as Xbox Primetherefore it is unclear whether this is the final title or just a working title.
The above-mentioned insider added to all this that the new Xbox should go on sale simultaneously with the new part of the Call of Duty serieswhich Infinity Ward studio is working on. However, it must be emphasized that at the moment these are just assumptions, the possible confirmation or refutation of which we will have to wait for now.
Source :Indian TV