Polish indie developer Grzegorz Styczeń ends 2024 by taking stock of how the build strategy has changed Lords of the Manor. In addition, the video provides insight into future development plans.
Among the most significant changes that the popular game has undergone are: transition to Unreal Engine 5new trade opportunities between regions, the addition of new animals and raw materials, and optimization of agricultural mechanics. They also increased emotional elementsas an opportunity to mourn deceased family members, which enhances the atmosphere of the medieval world.
The trailer also hints at what’s in store for players in the coming months. The updates planned for 2025 are promising. expansion of game content and other improvementswhich brings the life of a medieval ruler even closer. The fourth major update should bring new building improvements, a redesigned market, a new water and beer distribution system, and two new maps.
Manor Lords is available in Early Access on Steam and PC Game Pass. It contains Czech subtitles.
Source :Indian TV