NASCAR games will be released from digital distribution on PC and consoles.
After a certain time, we again receive a message about downloading other games from digital distribution. This time the American came with sad news Motorsports Games Companywhich for several years owned the popular NASCAR racing license.
The result was several games for PC and consoles, which at one point were even released annually. However, the expiration of this license resulted in several games in the series being withdrawn from digital distribution. Specifically we are talking about ten titles listed belowwhich will no longer be available on both consoles and PC from December 31st.
If you want to purchase a part at the last minute, you will be appreciated. current event with discountmaking individual games available for a few euros.
These games:
- NASCAR 15: Victory Edition
- NASCAR rivals
- NASCAR 21: Ignition
- NASCAR Heat Mobile
- NASCAR: Thermal Evolution
- NASCAR Heat Ultimate Edition
- NASCAR. Check-in 2.
- NASCAR. Check-in 3.
- NASCAR. Check-in 4.
- NASCAR: Heat 5
Source :Indian TV