Expeditionary Forces DLC creator will show Arma 3’s Altis invasion from a new perspective – INDIAN

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Just when you think we’re done with the Creator DLC program, paid extensions Army 3 from external creators, cannot offer more, the Bohemia Interactive studio will come and announce something new. While players were able to focus on putting out fires and other crisis situations this spring, the team at Tiny Gecko Studios is introducing the Expeditionary Forces expansion. Thanks to him it will be possible to experience for a change Invading the Greek island of Altis, which is the main territory of the main army 3.from a new point of view.

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The creator of the Expeditionary Forces DLC will add several vehicles to the game, such as the AAV-9 Mack amphibious vehicle, the 17-meter gunboat, the LCC-1 cargo landing ship or the USS Takmyr (LPD-36) warship, named after the capital of Takistan after Operation Arrow. Thus, these “floating barracks” represent a small link to the Arma 2 offline data disc of the same name. We can also look forward to three new variants of the Hunter vehicle and the AH-99J Python, a new version of the iconic AH-99 helicopter.

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Source :Indian TV

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