The game will be released on PC in two weeks.
A week ago, Rockstar announced the preparation of a version for PC. Western Red Dead Redemptionwhich was originally released in 2010 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles. Following a trailer, basic information about partial improvements and a release date, a price was announced a few days later, which was set at 50 euros.
Now it reaches us through the Cycu1 channel. direct comparison the upcoming port for computers and the version released last year for the PlayStation 5 console. You may notice, for example, slightly different lighting, shadows or the use of additional effects. However, it’s important to note that the current comparison is only based on the initial preview of the PC version.
We will see a more detailed analysis only after launching the game on computers where the first Red Dead Redemption was released. heads October 29.
Source : Zing