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This year, World of Warcraft celebrates its 20th anniversary since its release. So current VP Holly Longdale decided it was worth taking a look back at the journey the iconic MMORPG has taken in recent years. She joined the development team in 2020 and has since embarked on a journey of content-heavy development, transparency, and deadlines. While she hasn’t been involved in the development since the beginning, she has seen WoW throughout its entire existence as a player, so she can now effectively listen to fans.
The launch of Shadowlands was a career-defining experience for her, and was one of the weakest parts of the entire film. Fortunately, she says, the studio has returned to what the community has been asking for through Dragonflight. The ability to listen to players is something Longdale would like to change in the long term. She says it would be ideal to actively listen to what players want and then implement it into the game world. The War Within expansion is currently rolling out for World of Warcraft on PC, so in a few days we’ll see how much Blizzard is really listening to players.
Source :Indian TV