It’s time to build a city on the coast.
Are you interested in the board game Mláďata z Divukraj, but are you looking for something more “adult”? We also have a tip for you in the form of the employment question Divukraj: Dalava, which largely works with the idea presented in the previous sentence. How it differs from the game for little players, we will tell you in the following points.
Number of players: 2 – 4
Play time: 40-60 minutes
Price: 1399 CZK (Alsa)
Age: 10+
The ocean will call you by your name in Divukray: Dalava.
The board game “Mladata from Divukrai” takes place in the outback. Divukrai: Dalawa is different in that it takes you to the seashore, where you and other players will build your cities with the help of hard-working animals from your clan. It does not have any unique abilities, but the hard work of certain species cannot be denied. With the help of assigned workers, you get the raw materials needed for construction and recruitment. You can go with them to the beach, where you can find washed-up materials, as well as towards the sea, where randomly selected islands also provide the opportunity to get the items needed for growth.
Here you build your city mainly with cards, so don’t expect any impressive buildings. Well, there is a lighthouse, but that’s the only thing that is visually big. Everything else is represented visually by very good cards, where you can find both buildings and inhabitants that can become part of what you build here. The number of cards that can be bought is fixed, so in most cases you need to figure out exactly what your goals are and what you don’t want to implement, because betting on the wrong strategy can cost you victory in the end.
The cards themselves are divided into several types, each with different effects. Some react when drawn, with others you can count on the game rewarding you for having them quite a few times, and others will give you points in the end, when the points are added up and you work with how many cards of a given type you have, for example. This concept is inherently undemanding, so you primarily think about where you want your city to go. What’s new here are the map fragments, which are one of the factors that will make it important for you to collect certain types of cards. When you manage to collect them, you can count on victory points, which are never enough.
Another new feature that Divukraj: Dálava offers is treasures. With one of your workers, you will sail around the coast and try to get as far as possible in the name of scoring points, as well as the already mentioned treasures. These can be converted into victory points, as well as into the raw materials of your choice, so you can use them to solve more than one problem that you cannot solve with your existing supplies. This format is interesting because it often gives the unexpected. The game may end the moment winter appears on the scene, but nothing prevents you from optimizing the conditions a little and perhaps extending the entire game with a special condition.
Divukray: Dalawa will not give up the brand to which she belongs
The recently introduced Mláďata z Divukraj was a board game that delighted with its visual treatment and gameplay. However, some people may not like the dice format or perhaps the too simple gameplay. In the case of Divukraj: Dalava, you can count on a complete lack of dice. Instead, there is randomness associated with the islands and gameplay based solely on cards that you buy with simply crafted resources. I really like the connection of individual cards, as well as their visual design, it is masterful and addictive.
Trip to the sea in Divukrai: Dalawa was a success. So if you like this format of the game, it’s one of those things that’s not hard to find your way into. Given the general accessibility, I’d say it’s also suitable for younger players, who can enjoy decent gameplay and strong graphics. So I have no problem giving myself a thumbs up.
We would like to thank Czech distributor REXhry for providing us with a copy of Divukraj: Dálava.
Source :Indian TV