Real-time strategy Last train home from Brno studio Ashbourne Games became a thorn in his side Russian prosecutor’s office. She demands its ban. The reason is the incitement of hatred towards the soldiers of the Red Army during the civil war.
Russian prosecutors consider a game about Czechoslovak legionnaires trying to get home by train through Siberia to be a product that could contradict the traditional values of Russian society and create a feeling in children that the information presented in various sources is false. The game is also intended to downplay the hatred and hostility towards the Russian authorities and the Red Army soldiers during the Civil War.
According to the Russian prosecutor’s office, “The Last Train Home” contains false information about the activities of government bodies and officials during the Russian Civil War and creates a negative attitude towards them, denies historical facts and glorifies representatives of the Czechoslovak Corps. This can harm the mental and social health and development of children, the Meduza website reports.
Let us recall that after the attack on Ukraine, Russia began to control content more and limit itself in relation to certain games and companies, including technology ones.
Last Train Home was released on November 28th last year under the auspices of THQ Nordic and there are players on Steam. very positive user reviews.
“The First World War is over, but the fight goes on. Lead a legion of Czechoslovak soldiers who, surrounded by the chaos of civil war, are desperately trying to get home. Lead them through the merciless desert on an armored train. Take care of the crew, decide on food and supplies, and try to survive.” gives a brief description of the game.
Source :Indian TV