TOP 10 Protracted Boss Fights That Can Take Unreasonably Long – INDIAN

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Boss fights. That wall after a long level or story moment where you have to kick some big bad enemy’s ass. They can be tough. How about taking a look at the top 10 boss fights that take up the most time in the world?

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Spoilers if you haven’t played Metal Gear Solid 3 and are looking for a remake. In one of the most popular parts of this legendary series, as Naked Snake, we find ourselves in the sights of a sniper called The End. He takes his role very seriously, can stand still and easily see you. You must carefully avoid his gaze and slowly but surely back away from him and ambush him.Depending on how well you manage stealth, the duration of the fight depends. But it can take from minutes to hours.

And if you REALLY can’t do that, you can even beat it by turning off the game and not turning it on for eight days. After restarting The End, he dies of old age. So maybe we can say that the entire boss fight can take a week of real time?

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Source :Indian TV

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