The last installments of the Driver series came in 2011, when Ubisoft Reflections released Driver: San Francisco to positive reviews on PC and consoles. That installment was joined by the still little-known spin-off Driver: Renegade for the Nintendo 3DS that same year. But fans of the brand have been waiting for the next sequel ever since. After a long time, a journalist stirred up the stagnant waters around the Driver series Stephen Totilowho reported that Ubisoft had completed preparations for the upcoming series.
The latter was announced in 2021, and was created in collaboration with streaming platform Binge. But the entire project is set to remain in the past for some time. But Totilo also indicated that, according to his information, Ubisoft working on other unspecified projects from the Driver series. While most players would undoubtedly like a full-fledged sequel for PC and consoles, a possible film adaptation or another series cannot be ruled out.
NEW: Ubisoft’s 2021 game driver series will no longer be sold on Binge, and the production company behind it has closed.
But Ubisoft promises that it is “actively working on other interesting projects related to the franchise”
— Stephen Totilo (@stephentotilo) July 12, 2024
Source :Indian TV