Manor Lords publisher says not every game needs to be a live service – INDIAN

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Hooded Horse Publishing CEO Tim Bender wants developers to a more sustainable way forward and he says that they should not be forced to work colossally, so as not to collapse physical and mental health. He also spoke out against the idea that every game should keep players on their toes with a post-release update plan or other plans like live service.

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In response to a LinkedIn post that states: “Manor Lords is pretty an interesting case about the pitfalls of development in early access modewhen a small team’s game (and actively promoted as such) collides with the reality of a hungry audience” with evidence of a decline in concurrent players. Tim Bender claims that “It’s exactly this kind of distorted endless growth/burden and expectations/ideas of a curve that should go up that causes so many problems in the games industry.”

“If the industry wants to find a more sustainable path forward, we need to move away from cases like this. Success shouldn’t create an ever-increasing bar for new growth expectations. And a release shouldn’t start an ever-accelerating treadmill that forces developers to work until their mental or physical health deteriorates.” Tim Bender reported this.

The head of Hooded Horse also believes that publishers they could not be judged by their greatest achievementsand on the contrary, according to how they are able to respond to failures. At a time when major publishers are chasing endless growth and “high-impact titles” while cutting staff, Bender’s words are more than welcome.

Bender also notes that one of the first patches for Manor Lords was over 3,000 words long, and regardless of post-release support or lack thereof, there’s nothing wrong with people “enjoying buying a premium single-player game” and then moving on to the next one.

Lords of the Manors Only More than 250,000 copies have been sold in the last month and has very positive rating in reviews – 88%. More than two million units have been sold. According to Bender, the average playtime is 8 and 48 minutes per player. excellent result.The players are happy, the developer is happy, and we, as a publisher, are more than happy.” he added.

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Source :Indian TV

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