The fifth installment of the Elder Scrolls series, subtitled Skyrim, released more than 13 years ago, has not managed to leave even after such a long time since its release a dedicated community of fans who continue to expand the award-winning game with various modifications and improvements for the PC version. It is undoubtedly among the most ambitious community projects in history. mod called Lordboundwhich has been around for over 8 years. Its creators recently revealed the exact release date, which was set for March next year.
At the same time, a new preview was published, which you can see below. According to the authors, this extensive fan-made expansion will contain more than 40 quests, more than 50 dungeons and its own story that will develop according to your dialogue choices. There will also be unique weapons and armor or an original soundtrack and fully voiced NPCs. All this in a completely new region called Druadak.
Source :Indian TV