Sega wants to reboot the Crazy Taxi series

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Last December, Japanese company Sega announced plans to revive several of its gaming brands. In particular, these are the series Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Golden Ax, Shinobi and Steets of Rage. A reboot of the Crazy Taxi brand just came to mind new developer diaryin which the developers revealed interesting information.

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First of all, we learned that the game I’ll bet on multiplayer and open worldwhich the authors will try to combine with the traditional arcade gameplay of the series and unspecified new mechanics. Sega representatives themselves have already stated in the past that this will be a traditional AAA game in terms of ambition and budget, which indicates that the Japanese publisher has great faith in the upcoming reboot and the entire brand.

For now, the developers are keeping the release date and the list of platforms that the new Crazy Taxi will be targeted at.

Source :Indian TV

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