The legendary Commandos series will return this year with a completely new installment, dedicated to the very origins of the elite unit under Jack O’Hara in the heart of enemy territory, carrying out a mission that no one else dared take on.
The new gameplay trailer showcases everything fans love about the tactical strategy action series. It’s not lost stealth movementstriking, hide corpses, large explosions and a well-thrown grenade that takes out multiple enemies. We will also cut barbed wire, drive a truck and use the environment to your advantage for accidents that do not cause such excitement.
When talking about the environment, we Commando: Origins lead to more than 10 missions. We are waiting for the penetration of an enemy base in the Arctic cold, the silent advance of a German submarine and fierce battles in the hot African desert. In total, we have more than 10 missions in authentic locations around the world, including the west coast of Europe and the eastern front.
Source :Indian TV