The sun is shining and provides vitamin D to lift your spirits. Half-naked people walk down the street, jump into the water to cool off, and generally experience a lot of summer adventures. Why voluntarily ruin everything?
Here are my 5 favorite roguelike games that will either end up spending more time than you should or breaking your controllers and keyboards – but it will still be worth it.
And let’s start from scratch – I present to you an incredible game, private king of the roguelike subgenrewhich literally consumed countless evenings and days.
If you were talking about the so-called bullet paradise I haven’t heard of it, I’ll explain briefly – you control the character by walking with him. And it’s all. No, well, this character automatically shoots at enemies that swarm from all sides of the map. After killing them, they drop experience that must be earned in order to level up and gain new automatic weapons or abilities, or improve existing ones. If you want to know more about this subgenre, Below is a video we made about this.
I haven’t added much to this, have I? But don’t be fooled, upon release this game captured crowds of players who didn’t know what they were getting into, and suddenly after a few nights they looked like the main character – pale, bloodshot eyes, the only thing missing were those two. long white fangs.
Source :Indian TV