TOP trailers that lied to our faces – INDIAN

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There are trailers that make us think, “WOW, this game looks really cool, but what’s the reality after that? This is often far from what we actually expected from the first trailers. And today we will look at exactly those trailers that lied to our faces.

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Let’s start with perhaps the most harmless lie we can encounter in the world of trailers. It’s okay that sometimes trailer creators make adjustments to they didn’t reveal any part of the story and didn’t leave fans guessing. over what they just saw. Marvel, for example, became famous for this very practice. However, this is rarely seen in the world of video games. And the shock became even greater when we learned that the trailer for the sequel to the post-apocalyptic The Last of Us had actually been lying to us all along. We knew we’d be playing as Ellie in The Last of Us two months in advance, so the question remained of what would actually happen to Joel, the main character of the first game. After that appeared in one of the trailers, all the fans breathed a sigh of relief, and some of them hoped that we would play as him in the next part. But… everything turned out a little differently. This scene from the trailer actually appeared in the final game, but it was Jesse who surprised us, not Joel. And Joel? For this, the developers have prepared a slightly different story.

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Source :Indian TV

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