According to Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot, workplace tension is important.

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Ubisoft is a company that has experienced a number of problems with its work environment in recent years. According to a number of developers, it is quite toxic, and the manual often goes beyond a well-defined scope of work. However, according to the head of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot, this element is extremely important for development. More precisely, according to him, certain frictions are essential for the magazine La Presse, which should arise mainly from the point of view. Definitely there should be no conflicts, bosses or other elements that are simply out of place in the workplace.

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You certainly will not be surprised that the words of the CEO of Ubisoft did not meet with understanding in the gaming world, although she did not explicitly approve of the actions of some employees of this company. A certain contribution to the condemnation of his ideas may also be the fact that he did not condemn an ​​unambiguously toxic environment and, in a certain way, covered himself with the idea of ​​friction, which can be interpreted in different ways. I myself am not a big fan of pressure in the workplace, as it often leads to quite uncomfortable situations for both parties. Moreover, this often leads to the opposite of what Guillemot imagines.

Source :Indian TV

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