Discover yanxnz, FURIA’s flagship Rocket League game

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A little over a year Rage, Yan Nolascoknown as nxnzis the main name in the competitive scenario. rocket league in South America. Born in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, he changed his dream of becoming a real soccer player to become a professional virtual car soccer player. But he was not previously recognized as the best in the world in the game by Brazil and most of the international community. epic gamesyanxnz had to get help at home.

in an exclusive interview with Enemyyanxnz went into details about the games and early contact with Rocket League startups. The actor also spoke about the support of his family, his participation in FURIA and his future professional and personal life plans.

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Influenced by his father, Fernando Nolasco, Half began playing games between the ages of nine and ten. In the beginning, the passion of football became the most loved game. Fifabut then he started playing Task and GTA not yet PlayStation 2. Then the young man left… Xbox 360He started to focus only on GTA and then struck up a friendship that would change the course of his life.

“Then I met a friend named João Pedro at the game and we started playing together almost every day. He released PlayStation 4 and Xbox One at the time. I wanted to buy a PlayStation 4, but this friend to me bought the xbox one and convinced me i got on xbox one and kept playing gta, gta, gta…until i said i could buy and play a game called João Rocket League because I like football and cars so it was a great game.yanxnz appeared.

At the time, Rocket League didn’t fit Yanxnz’s budget, but he insisted on taking the money to buy the game. Then he found an alternative: exploit bugs in . GTA 5 in exchange for money.

“Rocket League was expensive for me when I went to watch it, it cost me around 50 reals and I couldn’t buy it. I just made some mistakes in GTA which brought money to the game. Then I got Rocket, I started playing and I think it’s going well so far.said the player.

rocket league epic games yanxnz furia

old yanxnz installation (Photo: Personal Archives)

Rocket League has brought together what is useful and enjoyable for your team: football and cars. The result could not have been different. “Just the two things I love the most: playing football in real life, in video games and in the car. It brought the two together and it was the perfect match. It’s the game I love. I missed life and now it’s a total addiction.Explain.

Almost everyone has dreamed of becoming a footballer in Brazil, and your other half was no different. He says he’s about to break into the basic categories? cruise several times, but in the end everything went wrong. As a result, the wing Red StarAn Ouro Preto indoor soccer team only played in local leagues in the region until they became a professional Rocket League player.

“I started to become a footballer when I was around 12-13 years old. I passed the Cruzeiro basic categories test three times, but I got it wrong three times. I sprained my ankle for the first time. He was going to break my hip in a car accident. The third time I was nauseous and I couldn’t go because I threw up a lot. Then I kept playing and nothing didn’t come.says Yanxnz.

rocket league epic games yanxnz furia

Yanxnz holds the Futsal Mariana Cup top scorer trophy for Estrela Vermelha of Ouro Preto (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

In a playful tone, half of you met two acquaintances of the game and went to play the playoffs. DreamHack Montreal 2019. With low expectations, the trio entered the tournament to make their first impression and managed to beat players who were then considered professional players. What was once a joke has become a reality.

“I got two of my friends together and we played league for fun. We weren’t that bad and we even played against professional players. We played league and beat them to see how it was. We were still in the tournament, but we were eliminated by INTZ. We saw that I had a future and then I realized that I could become a professional actor.says Yanxnz.

Confident that he has a future in the game in his professional career, yanxnz, . achieved RebelIt was the first organization of his career. He started to stand out and caught FURIA’s attention. The rest is history…

“I played tournaments for Rebel and it caught my attention until I got an invite from FURIA. At first the card called me, said I was playing well, and invited me to play. ‘try instead of the almond tree. They tested it with me and it worked well, thank goodness. The card was already an inspiration for me and the CaioTG1 is considered one of the best of South America. As a gift, it was always FURIA. It was like two dreams coming true at once.aforementioned.

rocket league epic games yanxnz furia

yanxnz (left), CaioTG1 (middle) and caard (right) (Photo: Demo/RCLS)

Between the first paycheck of Yanxnz’s career and joining Rebel to join FURIA, his home life has had its ups and downs. If before he was arrested by his family for having tried to live from a game, today the situation has changed. the two mothers Cleusa NolascoAs for the father, Fernando Nolascothey are just proud of their son’s progress.

“At the time of the rebellion, my family supported me for the first time. I started getting money from championships and they left it. There was a fight. They said I was ‘addicted’ and ‘need to study’. I noticed even when FURIA called me but my family had no idea what FURIA was. I told them and my mom and dad were very excited. nowadays he [pai e mãe] they support me a lot. super quiet”exposed side.

Goals, assists, defenses and everything the best player in the world needs is what yanxnz showed for FURIA in 2022 even though the organization didn’t win the World Cup. No wonder the Brazilian and international community has started this conversation on social media and even in official broadcasts of the game’s tournaments. But according to the Brazilian professional himself, it’s too early to talk about it. However, Yanxnz believes he is among the top ten players in the world.

“I don’t consider myself the best in the world. I always see that I can improve. This hype that I’m the best in the world or the best in Brazil encourages me to try harder. I take that for more dedication until I consider myself the best in the world. […] A lot of people say I’m in the top three in the world, but I don’t see that. I’m not even in the top three or the top five, but I can see myself in the top ten in the world.”yanxnz appeared.

rocket league epic games yanxnz furia

Photo: Game/Twitter

In the future, he wants to continue to compete for the honeymoon with yanxnz FURIA and thus take the first place in the Rocket League competitions. He is also very outspoken when he says he wants to be on top of the gaming world and fulfill two dreams there if possible.

“I want to maintain professional consistency, qualify for LAN championships and get good results. Like it or not, it will always be my goal to be world champion until I retire. Personally, I dream of buying a fucking house and car.he concluded.

Source : The Enemy

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