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Nvidia RTX 2060 and GTX 1660 seem to retire

Nvidia has apparently discontinued the GeForce RTX 2060 and...

The best AX-50 class mount in Warzone Pacific

Looking for the best Warzone AX-50 class customization? ...

Genshin Impact meets Initial D as Sayu’s drifting memes come to life

Genshin Impact Sayu drift memes are incredibly accurate in...

Half-Life Black Mesa Remake Gets a Massive VR Overhaul

Black Mesa's impressively complete remake of Half-Life is now...

The Steam Deck settings menu appears, including uploading videos

The Steam Deck customization menu has been discovered hidden...

Six Major Charlotte: DarkZero takes title after defeating Astralis

The team that beat three Brazilian representatives in the...

Are there paragon levels in Diablo Immortal?

Even when you reach the maximum level in Diablo...

Promotion “Spider-Man 2: The Game can be pre-ordered with benefits”

PlayStation has just announced a new product that will...

HBO brings Last of Us to CCXP22 with exclusive panel

HBO Max debuts in CCXP in style with an...


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