Monster Train is also coming to iOS and Android systems

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Fans of roguelike deck builders will be happy to hear it’s a hit monster trainWhat is very successful on PC, is also coming to systems iOS And Android. Unfortunately there’s no firm release date yet so we’ll have to wait a bit to find out more, but in the meantime it’s good to know we can play it on the go.

For those who don’t know, Monster Train is a Slay the Spire style game where you have to defend three floors of a train carrying an energy source that can restore power to evil forces defeated by angelic troops. .

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It looks like there will be a special version for the Chinese market as well as the regular versions. How it will differ from the others is not yet clear, but given the censorship of video games in that region, it’s easy to imagine something will be cut off.

If you’re interested in learning more, read our Monster Train review, which is clearly related to the PC version, and we wrote:

Monster Train is definitely one of the best deck builders on the market, created with great intelligence and with all the elements dosed perfectly, so much so that it’s wondered why the guys at Shiny Shoe have been dropped into developing ports in recent years. . We’re talking about a game that will give hundreds of hours of gameplay to those who enjoy trying all combinations and all difficulty levels, the only flaw being the extreme rigidity of its structure, but partially justified by the game itself, and the conceptual debt with Slay the Spire, however, tries to set itself apart in different ways. If you’re passionate about fighting the sound of cards, building your deck from game to game, get it without hesitation, and it’s not even that expensive.

Source: Multiplayer

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