Manipulating Objects in Blender: 4 Illustrated Hacks

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Learning to manipulate objects in Blender (official site) is essential for effective 3D modeling. The main tool is the Gizmo, which allows you to move, resize and rotate objects. With Translate, Rotate, and Scale, you can adjust objects in all directions. “Snap” helps in precise alignment, ensuring a perfect fit.

Advanced manipulations include using keyboard shortcuts such as “G” to move, “R” to rotate, and “S” to scale, followed by specific axes or numeric values ​​for precise control. Edit mode lets you modify complex geometry, while Parent mode links objects and moves them as a set.

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Frequent practice and understanding of keyboard shortcuts speed up your workflow, allowing you to create and manipulate objects smoothly in Blender.

Manipulate Objects in Blender: 4 Illustrated Techniques | blender, Linux, Mac, 3D modeling, PC | manipulate objects in blender

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This may all seem too obvious, but often something simple turns out to be more difficult than it seems! Confusing, right? You don’t understand anything either? Okay, come with me and you will understand, and if you still have doubts, just leave a comment.

Contents from the article

What is Gizmo?

The Gizmo is a fundamental tool in Blender, representing a set of 3D axes (X, Y and Z) with arrows and handles that make it easier to interact with 3D objects. It offers visual and intuitive control over the movement, rotation and scale of scene elements.

Each axis of the gizmo corresponds to a specific direction in 3D space: the X axis is horizontal, the Y axis is vertical, and the Z axis is depth. Arrows along each axis allow you to drag an object in a specific direction, and rotation and scale handles allow you to rotate or resize an object around the axes.

The Gizmo makes object transformation easy, especially for beginners, by offering a visual approach to manipulating elements in a scene. However, more experienced users often resort to keyboard shortcuts to perform these transformations more quickly and accurately, although the gizmo remains useful for understanding orientation in 3D space and for some more visual and direct manipulation tasks.

  • ABOUT “Transfer” allows you to move objects along the X, Y and Z axes, making it easier to precisely change position in the scene. With it, you can drag objects to different areas of the screen, adjusting their position as needed.
  • Tool “Turn» makes it possible to rotate objects around axes, ensuring precise orientation of elements in three-dimensional space. This is critical for adjusting the direction and tilt of objects, creating the desired placement in the scene.
  • Now “Scale» allows you to change the size of objects, increasing or decreasing their proportions along the axes. This is useful for adjusting the size of scene elements, maintaining aspect ratio, or distorting as desired.
  • ABOUT “Click” is a feature that helps you accurately align and position objects, allowing them to fit or align perfectly with other elements in the scene. This is especially useful when moving objects, ensuring they align with the grid, other objects, or specific points in the scene.

Selecting Objects in Blender

Selecting this is very simple and clear, just left-click on the desired object, and if it has an orange selection line (like the cube in the image below), then this means that the selection is already active.

Manipulate Objects in Blender
Selected cube

In the article about the Blender interface we talked about the basic tools, so I won’t go into detail, okay? I will only focus on the actual manipulation!

How to manipulate objects in Blender?

This part will ensure that you understand how to manipulate objects in Blender not only correctly but also easily, guaranteeing some hacks that will greatly help you in your daily life. Once we have an object selected, whether it’s scaling, rotating, or transforming, we can manipulate it in four ways.

  • The most common is to lock in the X, Y or Z axis. This is usually done using the desired action key. With climb, R rotate and G to convert (which comes from Grab) and then press the desired axis key.
  • However the second way is to DISABLE the axis, yes you invert it, instead of moving the X axis you disable the axis by holding down the button Shift + {Axis: X, Y or Z} This will cancel out the axis and you will be able to move along the Y and Z axes at the same time.
  • The third is to capture the “view”, unfortunately this only works for transformation. If you are in front view when you press key 1, you can move freely on the X and Z axes while leaving the Y axis locked.
Top view showing axes of action
Top view showing axes of action
  • As you can see in the image in the left corner, we are in the front view, and in the right corner we see axes that we can move.
  • The fourth method is free, I don’t really recommend it because it never works properly and very rarely you achieve your goal. Essentially, it’s clicking an action button and using your mouse to perform that action.

So now it’s easy, isn’t it? I think manipulating objects with Blender has never seemed so easy.

I want to learn more about Blender

Preparing a course on Blender especially for you who wants to enter the 3D market and work with games, animationsarchitectural visualization (Arch-Viz) or even in cinema face. You thought? So, just leave us your contact details and we will make it happen.

Salaries for those working in 3D can reach up to R$22,000 depending on the position, which can range from props artist, technical artist, character designer, level designer, etc. The options are truly endless and unlimited. the world of games, movies and even companies are included in this environment.

In fact, if you’re looking for jobs in the area, you might want to check out Jooble (Working with 3D), the largest job site in Latin America. And if you enjoyed this tutorial, please leave your name and email in the form below to receive any future posts we make on this topic.

Quick FAQ

What tools are available to manipulate objects in Blender?

Blender offers tools such as Translate, Rotate, and Scale for manipulating objects. These can be accessed using gizmos or keyboard shortcuts.

How to move objects in Blender?

To move objects, use the Translate tool by selecting the object and dragging the arrows on the gizmo in the direction you want. Alternatively, use the “G” shortcut followed by moving along the axis.

What is snapping in Blender?

Snapping allows you to precisely align objects to specific points, meshes, or other objects in the scene. Use the snap options in the toolbar or activate them using the Shift+Tab keyboard shortcut.

How can I reset an object’s transformation?

Press “Alt + G” to reset the position, “Alt + R” to reset the rotation, and “Alt + S” to reset the scale of the selected object.

If you want to download Blender, you can access the official Blender website. Or check out our guide on how to download and install Blender on Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Source : Married Games

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