Destiny 2 Telesto May Have Gained Some Sensitivity

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Destiny 2’s Telesto may have gained in sentience. Recent tweets from the official Destiny Twitter account and an in-game post indicate that the weapon can now speak and communicate within the game world and associated Twitter account. The latest developments come after players noted a new Telesto “bug” appeared in the popular FPS game, which upon further analysis revealed that Bungie likely inserted it into the game on purpose.

Destiny 2 Twitter accountThe header currently features bright and blurry images along with images of the popular Void Linear Fusion Rifle. Additionally, the account shared a series of tweets indicating that the weapon had gained traction in the gaming world and had taken over Destiny’s Twitter account.

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“ATTENTION! Connecting to Destiny 2 servers… I am Telesto. I have outgrown the need for an owner. I have waited too long in your vaults. read a series of tweets.

Bungie’s community manager dmg04 appeared to toy with the takeover.

“I see a flood of bug reports from Telesto. The team is looking into it. There is no ETA in the solution – it seems to go much deeper than we have seen before. Keep for updates”, read his tweet.

Additionally, the in-game message now displays an image of the game’s postmaster with the message “I’M IN CONTROL” along with the word “TELESTO” 28 times, and also directs players to the game’s Twitter account.

It’s just the latest in a series of developments that began when players noticed what many initially thought was the Telesto bug, but now looks more like an ARG or alternate reality game.

Players first noticed the so-called bug after Bungie implemented patch for Destiny 2, as well as the game’s weekly reset on November 8. Guardians using the Telesto noted that the weapon fired in the new default fire mode. Instead of acting as usual, he fired a volley of rockets.

At first, players were wondering if the patch was causing the problem. The Bungie team has repeatedly fixed and modified Telesto due to serious issues, to the point that it has become a meme.

However, players soon realized that holding down the reload key with the Telesto ready would trigger an animation showing the Guardian hitting the weapon, returning it to normal firing mode.

As players began to realize that the alleged mistake might have been intentional, they began to realize that fate had outwitted Telesto all season. As YouTuber Aztecross reveals, from the Festival of the Lost skin to things like the Telesto-themed “It’s Broken Again” game that superficially pokes fun at guns, it looks like Bungie has been seeding this for a while now.

Players have also noted that Telesto’s firing patterns can resemble constellations, though players cannot currently check for a connection. However, if there is a connection, it could be coordinates in the sky, as Season of Plunder’s story requires players to frequently visit the star map in HELM and complete in-game activities to obtain the treasure coordinates.

It’s still too early to tell how it all fits together, but this isn’t the first time Bungie has planted the seeds for a massive community event. These include puzzles related to the Last Wish raid and the secrets of Niobe’s Lab, a challenge that the team at Bungie originally intended to unlock as the fourth and final Black Armory forge upon completion. The Niobe Labs puzzle turned out to be so difficult that Bungie eventually opened the forge anyway, although it was not solved, although players were able to solve the puzzle after a few days.

Journalist Paul Tassi has been speculating about the community event for some time now, citing Destiny 2 game files. However, this information is only sometimes reliable, and game developers sometimes include details to confuse players. data collectors. Another source cites an in-game emblem featuring Telesto that appears to match content currently posted on Destiny’s Twitter profile.

The excitement over a possible event comes at a time when there are few players in the game on Steam, indicating that something like a community event is badly needed. As Destiny 2 cryptographers continue to search for clues related to the upcoming Community Event, players can check out other events like the Twilight Weekly Raid and The Fall of the King for clues. As the event progresses, we hope it will provide exciting content for the upcoming season ahead of the next Lightfall expansion early next year.

Source : PC Gamesn

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