Destiny 2 god roll Sun Cannon available for F2P Guardians

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Festival of the Lost is in full swing, and while Guardians are detailing the virtues of the Mechabre Sniper Rifle, a YouTuber says that players should also be looking for the Solar Pulse Rifle in Destiny 2 God Roll, which will only be available everywhere during the whole month. event, or at least until next year in our favorite space game.

The Mechabre drops from God Throw PvP after completing the main event questline and is garnering all the attention as a new weapon added to the game’s loot. However, the annual event loot table also contains various weapons from Festivals of the previous Lost. These weapons now also have perk pools that contain perks that weren’t available when the weapon originally came out, making them incredibly powerful compared to items of old. Weapons include the Braytech Werewolf Auto Rifle, Horror Story Auto Rifle, and Jurassic Green Pulse Rifle.

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They all have practical use cases, but YouTuber KackhisHD proves that Jurassic Green, when properly cast by a god, can be one of the best options in gaming.

When it comes to Solar-powered primary PvE weapons, one of the best perks players can get is Searing Incandescence, which spreads a burn to nearby targets after defeating an enemy. This quickly becomes a powerful advantage for controlling ad hordes, mainly because burn stacks can cause enemies to explode. Combined with the fact that Jurassic Green is already a solid mid-range Pulse Rifle option, this is an attractive option for players who deal a lot of damage quickly.

Since the other main weapons of Solar peuvent tomber d’Incandescent, they are a reward for a content of the end of the game difficile like the raid King’s Fall, so it is necessary for the joueurs to payer a supplément for the content DLC season in order to do so. get. However, Jurassic Green is available to all players as part of a seasonal event, whether or not they paid extra for the DLC.

In addition to Molten, KhakisHD recommends the Applied/Spreaded mag to increase mag size and sustain, which partially refills the mag from reserves when it hits targets. Because fire damage counts as weapon damage, this results in a nearly infinite loop during which the player doesn’t have to reload their weapon. This means that players will never have to stop and will be able to consistently take down enemies with this weapon, no matter which elemental subclass they choose to play as.

Throwing weapons with a solar class can add even more power, as some skins and shards use burn to an even greater advantage.

Although the weapon is available to free players, they must still complete this event for a chance to win the weapon with the divine roll. Please note that more Ghost Page players become Manifest Pages and are added to the Book of Forgotten Volume. 2, you are more likely to earn weapons as you progress through the Lost and Haunted Sectors. So putting more energy into the activity also means players are more likely to get that God Roll Pulse rifle.

For more ideas on how to maximize the synergy of your builds, check out our Best Destiny 2 Warlock Builds, Our Best Destiny 2 Titan Builds, and Our Best Destiny 2 Hunter Builds. If you are a new player or a recently returned player, you can check out our Arc 3.0, Solar 3.0, and Void 3.0 guides for more information on recent elemental subclass changes in the game.

Source : PC Gamesn

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