Alpha Wolf location in V Rising

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Are you preparing to find Alpha Wolf in V Rising? Here’s the latest information on where to find it.

V Rising is an open-world vampire game developed by Stunlock Studios. According to the website, a big part of the game is “exploring”.[ing] Open world with friends or on the hunt[ing] Alone as you plunder villages, attack bandits, and explore kingdoms of supernatural beasts. One of these supernatural monsters is Alpha Wolf.

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Vampires and werewolves have fought each other for centuries, so it makes sense that the alpha wolf was one of the earliest enemies in the game. If you’re going to act like a vampire, you can act like that too, don’t is this not ?

As YouTuber Kibbles points out in his video above, players must first complete the quest to build a Blood Altar that allows players to track enemies. Once the shrine is built, players simply select Alpha Wolf from the shrine menu. The Blood Mist will then guide the player to the location of Alpha Wolf.

Because the enemy is randomly regenerated each session, their exact coordinates cannot be identified. Generally, Alpha Wolf is located in the Farbane Woods area of ​​the game map, near the cave exit marker. If you get close, there’s a good chance the alpha wolf will reveal itself, especially if it’s hungry!

Source : dbl tap

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