Genshin Impact Yoimiya Reset Banner and Abilities

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Do you want to know more about the Genshin Impact Yoimiya banner? Yoimiya is described by Kamisato Ayaka as the best pyrotechnician in Inazuma and is the owner of Naganohara Fireworks, the local fireworks store. As a Pyro and Bow user, Yoimiya has some of the best animation in an anime game.

Yoimiya returns to Genshin Impact in update 2.8 on July 13, along with Kazuha and Klee, the other five-star holders on each of the posters. Heizou, a new four-star character, will also be coming to the game in the second half of the update.

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Yoimiya’s banner is called Tapestry of Golden Flames and will be released with the Genshin Impact 2.8 update.

In the first release of Tapestry of Golden Flames in 2021, Yoimiya and Sayu were the two main characters, although it is unknown if Sayu will return to this banner.

Genshin Impact Yoimiya Abilities

Here are all of Yoimiya’s abilities in Genshin Impact:

Normal Attack: Fireworks Explosion

  • regular attack: Shoot up to five consecutive bowshots.
  • Charged Attack: Perform a more accurate aimed shot with increased damage. While aiming, flame builds up at the tip of the arrow before being fired as an attack. Different effects depending on the duration of the energy charge: charge level 1 (fires a flaming arrow that deals pyrotechnic damage) Charge level 2 (generates a maximum of three flaming arrows based on the charge time, firing them as a aimed shot , while incendiary arrows deal fire damage to nearby enemies).
  • Submersible Attack: Fire a hail of arrows into the air before falling and crashing to the ground, dealing area damage on impact.

Elemental Ability: Niwabi Fire Dance

Surrounding Yoimiya is a ring of saltpeter surrounded by scented fireworks.

Teika Ensho: When this happens, arrows fired from a normal attack turn into flaming arrows, and their damage is increased and converted to pyrotechnic damage. Charge level 2 does not generate incendiary arrows and the effect is deactivated when it leaves the field.

Elemental Burst: Ryukin’s Stonebreaker

Like his original creation, Ryukin Stonebreaker leaps into the sky and fires flaming missiles that deal area damage to the Pyro, marking the enemy with golden flames…

Golden Flame: All party members’ normal, charged, and dash attacks, elemental abilities, and elemental blasts marked with golden flames deal Pyro damage in an area. When an enemy is defeated while the ability is active, the effect transfers to another nearby enemy. Every two seconds there is an explosion. If Yoimiya doesn’t work, the ability is disabled.

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Yoimiya’s Passive Abilities

  • light match: When Yoimiya crafts landscape-type decorations, ornaments, and furniture, you have a 100% chance of reimbursing some of the materials used.
  • Tips for troublemakers: During Teika’s fire dance, Yoimiya’s normal attack hits increase Pyro’s damage bonus by 2%, this effect lasts three seconds and has a maximum of ten stacks.
  • summer burn: Using Ryukin Saxifrage increases the attack of nearby party members by 10% for 15 seconds, an additional attack bonus is added based on the number of Tricks of the Trouble Maker stacks (1% bonus attack increase) .

Yoimiya Constellations

  • Agat Ryukin: Aurous Blaze lasts an additional four seconds. When an enemy is defeated by Aurous Blaze, Yoimiya’s Attack is increased by 20% for 20 seconds.
  • Bonfire Procession: When Yomiya’s Pyro critically hits, gain 25% bonus Pyro damage for 6 seconds. It can be activated even if Yoimiya is not active.
  • Rebel Flash: Increases Teika’s Fire Dance level by 3, up to a max refresh rate of 15.
  • Professional Artificer: When Yoimiya’s golden flame explodes, Teika’s Fire Dance cooldown is reduced by 1%.
  • Midsummer Festival Eve: Increases Ryukin Stonebreaker’s level by 3, to a maximum benefit of 15.
  • Naganohara Meteor Swarm: During Teika’s Fire Dance, Yoimiya’s normal attacks have a 40% chance to fire an additional flaming arrow that deals 50% of the original damage counted as normal attack damage.

If you manage to get Yoimiya, we have compiled a guide to the best Genshin Impact Yoimiya Build. If you can’t afford another wish, here are all Genshin Impact codes for free help.

Source : PC Gamesn

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