Tiny Tina Wonderland Farm Locations

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Looking for the best farms in Tiny Tina Wonderland? Farming in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is the best way to get the best legendary weapons, armor, accessories and spells in an FPS game. There’s a whole world of legendary trophies waiting to be discovered, but getting them can be quite tricky.

Trying to bring legendaries the best Tiny Tina Wonderland Farm Locations it’s certainly possible, but unlike previous games in the Borderlands series, you get to see and influence your “loot chance” in-game. Other tasks first to improve your chances.

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You’ll want to get your hands on these legendary weapons because they are often extremely powerful and a lot of fun to use. To help you get those coveted drops, read our Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands farm guide, where we’ll walk you through how to farm and what to look out for.

Plunder Chance in Tiny Tina’s Wonderland

One of the most important things to keep in mind when farming legendary items is that increasing your luck will make your life a lot easier. You can do this in several ways. The first and easiest way to do this is to simply level up to increase your base luck stat, after which you can start upgrading it with modifiers.

Every loot cube you collect increases your chances, and certain pieces of armor can also increase your chances of loot. You can add more luck to the loot once you reach level 40 by removing your mythic rank and selecting it from the druid section, and you can also get even more luck by grabbing the four coins from Aaron’s G Shrine towards the end of the game. You can find these parts in two nearby ruins by completing the Pocket Sandstorm side quest and then completing the ruins that open up – they’re behind a special door behind a nearby oasis.

Tiny Tina Wonderland Farm Locations

Farming in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is generally better late in the game. There are several reasons for this aside from the increase in your luck stat that you will have for the level cap. First of all, you will also be able to increase your mining chances by investing in the appropriate mythic rank. This way, at the end of the game, you will have access to all parts of the map, which means you can farm with more variety and ease.

Additionally, you will also have access to the Chambers of Chaos in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. These are random little challenges that you can complete that can result in loot; they end with a giant chest that can contain legendary items, and you can also give crystals to weird bunny statues for extra stuff. It’s also worth noting that items can’t be upgraded, so you really need to farm when at max level to keep your gear as good as possible.

Of course, you can farm early in the game anytime you want, so it might not always be the most productive activity. The best way to farm in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is to keep beating the story bosses you’ve already beaten. As long as you have completed the quest they are associated with, you can simply enter the boss arena to fight them one more time and once defeated they will explode and become loot. Another way to farm is to fight bosses that appear through obelisks scattered around the world.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Farm: The player fights Zomboss in a dark crypt.

The best places to farm in the early game

If you plan on farming early in the game, we recommend doing so by picking a boss that you think you can take down easily or by using the Queen’s Gate Obelisk. We prefer the former as it is a bit faster.


The best early game boss to farm is Zomboss, which can be found at the end of the A Hard Day’s Evening quest in Shattergrave Barrow. While the struggle to get to them is excruciating the first time, from there it’s actually a map he can easily navigate.

Just walk over to their boss arena, jump in and shoot them to death. This boss has armor and a regular health bar, so you can speed things up by using poison weapons on the armor and pistols on his health. This is guaranteed to deal damage with good efficiency, but it’s worth noting that if your best weapons in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands are ice, lightning, dark magic, or non-elemental weapons, you’ll probably be fine with this. Kill Zomboss, collect the desired loot, then head back to the main menu and reload. You spawn right out of the boss arena and can keep taunting Zomboss for as long as you want.

Tiny Tina's Wonderland Farm Locations – Found in front of the obelisk at King's Gate.

Obelisk of the King’s Gate

The other location we’ve chosen is the King’s Gate location, but it won’t be available until you fix the sea issue in the Ocean’s Emotion quest. Once you complete the quest, the water will no longer interfere with you. Head to the start of the King’s Gate area and proceed as normal. You’ll notice an obelisk to the left of the fishing village, and you can complete the challenge incredibly quickly if you use firearms on the enemies it presents you with. It’s much easier to do than with most bosses, but the spawn point isn’t that close, so choose your farm location accordingly.

That’s all you need to start farming in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – if you need some extra firepower, check out our guide to the best Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands builds and be sure to keep an eye out for our Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands exchange codes guide. for the latest codes.

Source : PC Gamesn

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