Solar Eclipse Sejuani Skin Splash Art, price, release date, how to get it

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Solar Eclipse Sejuani has been announced by Riot Games with seven new skins included in League of Legends.

The Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse skins are the most popular in the game. Sequoia, Senna, Siviri, Atrox and Kyle now join the skin range. Additionally, Riot Games announced new skins for Gangplank and Yasuo.

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Here’s everything you need to know about the skin of the new eclipse redwood.

Riot Games’ photo

Sejuan’s new teaser image depicts him standing alone in a nighttime setting, possibly a forest, given that Sivran is also depicted in the teaser image. The eclipse theme extends to his armor and weapons as well as his hair.

Pricing has yet to be announced, but we expect Solar Eclipse Sejuani to cost 1,350 RP as soon as the skin hits the servers directly.

Solar Eclipse Sejuani should arrive after the Anima event ends. Anima Tokens will be out of the loot tab on May 9. As the Prestige Edition skin is tied to this event, we expect a Solar/Lunar event as soon as it ends.

Solar Eclipse Sejuani, which will be available on live servers, will be available in the store for RP. Additionally, players can try their luck in the loot tab. They can try to get a piece through orbs, chests, or capsules. Alternatively, players can try to get the skin by re-scrolling randomly. Remember that these methods are not guaranteed. The only safe way is through RP.

Source : dbl tap

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