League of Legends Patch 12.14 Top 5 Laners

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Some League of Legends lane players experienced fierce nerfs in patch 12.14, while others simply got stronger. The scale and team fights of a tough and lonely high level player depend on his survival and strength. We’ve listed our picks for the best top laners in Patch 12.14.

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Darius can easily corner and swing enemy HP, and as the solitary lane becomes more isolated, we think he’ll continue to harass top lanes in general. He is a passive character who can fight longer. As a reliable top laner, he’s someone who can deal a lot of damage while maintaining mobility.


Wukong’s base HP regen changed, but his passive HP per stack was reduced during Update 12.14. Wukong’s ability to turn invisible and dodge enemies makes him an excellent choice for escaping danger.


Sunfire broke this patch, but you can also use Frostfire. With W’s cooldown and Shen’s Flash/Ignite setup, short trades are easy to exploit.


Fiora has a temper, but still has other tools to keep her in the game. Although her Goredrinker isn’t as strong as it used to be, Fiora can still use Divine Separation to destroy enemy champions.


The stamina patch was more beneficial for some champions than others. Gnar is one of them, and this light nerf across HP should see him match the rest of the top lane. Base HP increased from 580 to 540 and HP regen per level increased from 1.75 to 1.25.

Source : dbl tap

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