Where can I find Kamehameha in Fortnite?

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Fortnite players may be wondering how to find Kamehameha. There are several ways to get the elemental buffs in Dragon Ball Z.

Originally released in 2017, Fortnite has become a pop culture staple, with collaborations across all manner of media franchises. It previously ranged from Street Fighter to The Avengers and even the NFL. Fortnite has teamed up with the Dragon Ball Z series to provide new character skins and weapons in their latest collaboration. One of these weapons is the famous Kamehameha, which Goku apparently uses in the Dragon Ball Z series.

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Players have two options for finding Kamehameha in Fortnite. First, they can find a mythic level weapon inside the pod. These capsules drop from the sky all over the world and have a chance to contain Kamehameha. However, since Kamehameha is so rare, you’re unlikely to find it unless you open a lot of capsules.

Alternatively, players can purchase a Kamehameha from Kame’s House. On the island in the east of the map, players can find Bullma and buy Kamehameha directly. To purchase the item, players will first need 250 gold to exchange it for a Kamehameha, which only has three charges.

Source : dbl tap

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