Electronic art boasted that the test program Battlefield Labs For the upcoming Battlefield series, he aroused even greater interest than she initially expected. We also know the requirements for equipment for these tests.
Battlefield Labs is an initiative of public testsWhich will allow players to participate in the development of another shooter with partly from Dice and other teams. After the announcement of the program, many interested parties were included that EA was supposed to imagine line on the registration pageThe developers thanked the players for the “enthusiastic reaction” in the official Comms Common account and confirmed that they overcame their expectations.
From the great onslaught, some users have problems with registration, which EA actively solves. At the same time, it assures the player that the entry order will not affect their recognition of the program.
The first stage of the Battlefield Labs test will take place in the coming weeksBut all participants will have to sign an agreement on confidentiality (NDA). Nevertheless, EA plans to publish regular messages on the blog in which they are divided by the knowledge knowledge. If you also want to apply, here.
The new battlefield is still at an early stage of development, and the release date remains unknown. But we know that the requirements for equipment for joining tests.
Source :Indian TV