Another big milestone was humiliated, even Re7 not far from it.
Today, Capcom has updated the list of its so -called platinum names, i.e. Games that broke the sold 1 million copies. It has long been dominated by the Monster Hunter World with more than 21 million (and even 28 million when calculating the Iceborne Master Edition), but the events standing behind it are very interesting.
From the data of December 31, we learned, first of all, one important figure, namely the sales of Resident Evil 2. This was the best work for some episodes and now became the first game in the series to break 15 million copies sold only in the last quarter of the game. 000 pieces.
Even the Resident Evil 7, which still holds in two and 14.6 million, has not been far from the milestone, from 400,000 in the last quarter. The next is with a relatively large distance from the Resident Evil Village with 10.9 million sold pieces, it also added 400 thousand over the past three months.
He is busy in front of 10 million borders, where the third episode with 9.6 million, five and six with 9 and a half million, as well as Retake Re4 with 9.2 million, which will soon affect all three games. As we recently wrote, the Four Rome is the fastest part of the entire series.
Source :Indian TV