The dying light 10 years ago changed the effect of the survival of the zombie – Indian

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Techland After a successful dead island and subsequent series Dying light It is considered experts in the action of zombie survival. Nevertheless, the Polish studio wants to move forward and hire a number of former people from the CD RED project, who participated in the Cyberpunk 2077 and Trilogy Trilogy to create together Action RPG is installed in the world of the fantasy worldThe field but this does not mean that the dying light will be forgotten.

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On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of this brand, we were sure that in the future there would be new projects in dying light to launch another era. In addition to the games, these will be board games, exclusive goods, original web comics and much more.

In addition, this summer will come out Dying light: beastThe field in a separate adventure of the zombie is Returled by Kyle Crane, a hero from the first dying light, who, after many years of cruel experiments, receives freedom, and now he must understand that there is not only revenge.

Dying Light fans can count on the return of some events, adding new awards and some vague ones. For Dying light 2: Stay a man Other changes in the prolon will be planned, and the Roguelike Tower Raid mode will be available forever with the overcoming of problems.

Let’s move on to numbers. The series “Dying Light” played More than 45 million playersTogether, they recorded for more than a billion hours and destroyed 67 billion zombies.

“The first episode changed the environment of the horror film of survival with the open world and transferred it to a new level, presenting the day and night, which has since become the basis of the dying light,”. It is indicated in the press release.

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Source :Indian TV

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