The game will bring you in the Middle Ages in the skin of a knight.
According to the coincidence, just before the release of the kingdom: Deliverance 2, the attention of the players entered another Czech title that will lead you to the Middle Ages. For a game called Heritage of valor This is an independent developer Philip Khusak, who is trying to create his own medieval RPG without dragons, magic and other supernatural elements.
Instead, the game will be focused on Reliable processing of the Middle Ageswhich will consist of history, dueling system and study of the game world with the help of its own horse. There is also an editor of characters, cooperation, trade or changing seasons.
Whether this ambitious concept can be fulfilled, will affect the success of the currently ongoing Craudfanding campaign On the starter. The main financial goal was set in 300 thousand crowns, while 10 % of this amount was selected. But 24 days left.
“In addition to the fact that I work as a working father of two children, I never left me a passion for programming and computer games. I always dreamed of creating a game once and offer medieval lovers of RPG a new view of the time as a nobleman, where they will meet disgusting greed in the strength of a greedy nobility, which can make intrigues for their good and marry their descendants of “Mind Marriage”, but the same Time experiences the authenticity of the brutal poverty of the Middle Ages, diseases, mud, brothels, poverty and much more, ” – He describes the theme of the game by its author.
More detailed information about Legacy of Valor can be found directly on a starter where you can financially support the development of the game.
Source :Indian TV