The kingdom came: the liberation receives an official sword from a Czech company

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This is already going on sale.

The Czech company Drakkaria, which is one of the leading manufacturers in the field of historical weapons and jewelry, introduced an official sword for the kingdom: liberation 2. Name Invictus And now you can order it in advance on the web manufacturer.

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The price was set at 16,500 CZK. However, it should be emphasized that this is definitely not a toy, but Historically and reliable replica With a hardened spring steel blade and beef. Below you can watch a few photos and a short video.

“Inhaling the life of Invictus swords was not easy. In Drakkaria, we experience the story of the birth of the kingdom: liberation II, and we want to offer fans this time and something additional, namely, the historically created copy of the famous weapons. ” Explains the world from Drakcaria and adds: “Of course, we directly collaborated with the creators of Warhorse Studios, which approved the final shape of the sword.”

“The main relationship with the cult game kingdom will be found in the head of the sword, where the coin with the Latin inscription Audentes Fortuna Iuvat or happiness will wish to boldly,” – He complements the expert in Drakcaria and does not forget to add that he is also the main slogan of the whole game.

Source :Indian TV

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