Horizon MMO Development Could Still Continue

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Another game was reportedly affected by the cancellation.

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Yesterday we announced that a planned cancellation was to take place MMO games from the Horizon series universe. According to initial information, the South Korean studio NCSoft has completed preparation of several of its projects, among which was supposed to be a spin-off of the famous series from Sony.

But new reports from South Korean journalists indicate that the game will be after all, she could have avoided cancellation. They say that the speculation surrounding the project is associated with the unsuccessful completion of the development of the project designated by the letter H, which was quite logically considered MMO Horizon.

But the South Korean portal Ruliweb claims that this is possible. actually a completely different namewhich has nothing to do with this game. Therefore, due to various unconfirmed and often conflicting information and leaks, it is currently difficult to assess whether NCSoft’s Horizon has actually been canceled or whether the game is still being worked on.

Source :Indian TV

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