Indiana Jones and The Big Circle will see Czech localization

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An ambitious fan translation is just around the corner.

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An active team of community translators from the Game Translations group announced the preparation further translation. The award-winning action-adventure Indiana Jones and the Big Circle, released by MachineGames in early December, will receive an unofficial Czech localization in the form of subtitles for the PC version.

Localization will be handled by an experienced person. translator nicknamed Mikeywhich has recently localized games such as Alien: Rogue Incursion VR, Until Dawn Remake or A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead into Czech.

“I’m glad that my translation seems to have pleased some people, but I would like to curb my impatience a little. This transfer will definitely not be quick. Lyrically this is my biggest project so it will take a long time. I want the result to be of the quality that you are accustomed to from me, which means that you will have to wait a little for it.

I won’t promise any specific deadlines, because I don’t even know myself whether I’ll rush to another, shorter translation during the work. For example, I can remember the latest DLC for Atomic Heart, which is due out in February. So please be patient, and in the meantime you can play some other game with my translation – you can certainly choose from more than sixty of my projects. This game deserves careful work, and I will definitely dedicate it to this translation.” introduces the author to the recently announced translation.

Source : Zing

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