Rockstar has stopped preparing an ambitious modification for GTA 5

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Fans wanted a combination of volumes four and five.

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Even more than eleven years after its release, the fifth installment in the Grand Theft Auto series remains one of the most popular and best-selling games. In addition to the undoubted qualities of the game itself, this is facilitated by constant support. GTA Online multiplayer mode. But numerous community modifications also play an important role on PC.

Much of the single-player content from Rockstar fans is available for free across various platforms. But from time to time, the company’s legal department takes action against individual mods. A modification with this name was recently included in this group. Liberty City GTAV Conservation Projectwhich the World Travel team has been working on since 2018.

But now the development and dissemination of this public project ends after Rockstar intervenes. As shown in the sample below, the modification replaced the entire game world of the fifth part with the city of Liberty City from GTA IV. However, players will not see the final version of this interesting mixture of both popular parts due to Rockstar’s shutdown.

Source :Indian TV

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