Animation The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep is coming, watch the new trailer

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Geralt will return next month.

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Netflix is ​​currently preparing two more seasons of the animated series The Witcher, in which Liam Hemsworth will appear as Geralt for the first time. However, preparations are currently being completed for the launch of the animated series “The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep”, which is on the famous subscription service will enter on February 11 this year.

Join us today via official Netflix channels will get a new trailerwhich you can find below. The story of this anime will revolve around Geralt of Rivia, Marigold and Yennefer.

In terms of casting, the aforementioned Geralt, whom he voiced, is noteworthy. American actor Doug Cocklewho played the same role in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Source :Indian TV

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