Share your review of the Kraken board game

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No two cruises are the same.

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The best games of this year in your opinion.

The New Year is approaching, so I decided to prepare for you some relatively simple things that may be useful to you in the coming days. Feed the Kraken is a deduction party game where you sail across the ocean trying to reach your destination. But everyone is a little different, and that’s the main problem. The following lines of this text will tell you how this piece is performed and why it is interesting.

Number of players: 5–11 (the more the better)

Game time: 60 – 90 minutes

Price: 1399 CZK (Tlama Games)

Age: 12+

Every cruise has v Feed the Kraken different development

When a man set out on the ocean, he was rarely sure that he would achieve what he wanted. In the game Feed the Kraken to go on one such uncertain journey. The crew consists of pirates, ordinary sailors and a cult leader who wants to feed the terrifying Kraken. The captain’s chair is also unsafe, because if the crew is dissatisfied, it can be removed at any time using weapons. Therefore, you have no choice but to observe the situation and do everything possible for your interests.

At the very beginning of the game, you will receive your role, as well as the character you will play. The palette of alternatives is varied, so you can become a shooter, a teacher or a negotiator. Each specialization has its own ability, which can be used once during the entire game. One can take back the pistols used in the mutiny, and the other has the ability to turn the helmsman and first mate against the captain who appointed them. The appointment itself usually becomes a major bone of contention, as the chosen pair may not be liked by everyone, leading to riots during which everyone has to take up arms to show how unhappy they are.

Once you mutiny, a new captain is appointed, who again appoints a helmsman and first mate. If this time the rise is not enough, the captain and his officer select direction cards. Each person takes two, one of which is then discarded. However, determining the direction of the ship does not end there. There is also a helmsman who can determine where he is sailing and in which direction he will ultimately end up at the bottom of the ocean. Because of this, the game’s development tends to be different. The helmsman you trust may well be a cultist whose goal is to win over as many crew members as possible and then allow himself to be thrown into the jaws of the Kraken. Personally, this situation happened to me several times and it was a really unpleasant surprise.

In addition to directions, cards also contain specific actions that shape the game itself. The victory of this group occurs at the moment when it completes the task given to it at the start. Like everyone else Feed the Kraken very good processing. However, nothing prevents you from reaching out to the luxurious components shown in the photographs, on which the creator of the MitroCZECH insert won a decent amount in local meadows and groves. They are offered to you as two items. For boxes and badges offered for several hundred, I think this is a smart choice as it replaces cardboard in a stylish way and improves the overall handling of cruise cards. I’m not entirely sure about the second part of the upgrade, which costs more.

Yes, I really like both the custom crew tags and pouches. Kraken is good too. However, the problem I have is that there is no attempt to deliver all the chips to the player. The game features not only Kraken tokens, but also chips designed for flogging, tongue cutting and cabin searches. But if you mean it with the game Feed the Kraken seriously, this is a really safe bet in my opinion. He still needs a neoprene play mat, but I’ll have to wait for that. I’m hoping to see this though, as I’m just a fan of components that increase the lifespan of motherboards.

Feed the Kraken this is a gem that you will never be bored with

So, we have come to the end of this text. I have to speak for myself Feed the Kraken represents, in my opinion, one of the board games of this year. At least in the realm of party games, this thing just can’t beat anything. Already during the first game, I fell in love with the gameplay, the processing of individual components, as well as the interaction between players, whom the creators force to lie, cheat and do all sorts of things in the name of bringing the ship to the desired station.

If you like this format of games, then this is really for sure, and it’s also accessible and thematically interesting. The only problem may be a higher demand for the number of players, but in party games this must be taken into account.

For providing a copy of the game Feed the Kraken we thank the Czech distributor Old Dawg.

Source :Indian TV

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