Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood returns to series glory after eleven years – INDIAN

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Both Mario and Luigi have decades of their own adventures in different genres, in which they are always at the center of the story. But the entire title always belongs to only one of them. While Mario takes the lead role, Luigi mostly remains in the background as an encouraging sidekick. But did you know that these friends have own series of gamesin which they are practically inseparable all the time and you can’t even make a slow simple attack without hitting both of them? We are, of course, talking about the “Mario and Luigi” series, in which, from the name alone, you would not think that one would exist without the other.

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This is an absolutely fantastic long-running series of role-playing games in the spirit of Super Mario RPG or Paper Mario. As such, the game offers a creative mixture of in-world puzzles, turn-based combat, and funny dialogue. However, the latest unique part was released on Nintendo 3DS earlier. 11 years old and then the earth collapsed after our couple. So, let’s take a look at the brothers’ impressive return, this time on Nintendo Switch!

Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood takes place far from the Mushroom Kingdom, or rather, in the real world. Concordiawhere our heroes mysteriously teleport at the beginning of the game. Concordia used to be a large continent with a rosette tree in the middle that powered everything. But here there was panic and fear when all the cables were disconnected from this central tree and the explosion split this continent into many small islands. All the islands are now suffering from a lack of energy and are driven into a corner by several villains. This whole world revolves around electricity and various funny names of places and, accordingly, characters. You could say it Voltage population is growing resistance enemies are gaining strength, and you are going against them current through countless islands.

You find yourself on a small island in the shape of a ship, which is also yours. central node throughout the entire game. You sail around all of Concordia and, with the help of a newly planted rosette tree, try to connect and connect all the islands together! You will be accompanied by environmental puzzles that require the coordination of the actions of both brothers, and excellent turn-based battles with rhythmic combinations. The core of the game is exactly the same as the previous parts. You’d think that’s the last thing you’d expect from the next installment, but unfortunately the original development team, AlphaDream, has already gone bankrupt and Brotherhood is the first game. from other creators. Many were so afraid that the game would lose its charm, its soul. We have mixed reactions to this concern, but it’s nothing serious! It’s just that the Mario & Luigi series has always been about both brothers equally, contrary to the stereotype that Luigi is just a sidekick. But in this job, you basically only control Mario, and Luigi is a bot that automatically follows you. It also ties into the world’s puzzles, where in previous installments you had to coordinate and control both brothers. Now you give Luigi orders and he automatically carries them out.

Of course, the completely traditional core of the game also includes “brotherly attacks”. It’s all about your well-timed attacks, with Mario and Luigi synchronizing fantastically and dealing absolutely devastating damage. These attacks require a bit of mana to watch out for. Then, of course, we have the classic jumping and hammer attacks. To do this, the Mario brothers will also have to synchronize and intervene at the right moment.

But what is definitely new in the series and a very pleasant change is the improvement in form. socket modules! You’ll start getting these after a few hours of story, and it’s a really nice refresher to the combat. It’s about passive modifierswhich track specific actions in combat and are activated when something specific happens. In some cases, this can be a complete game saver! For example, you can choose to automatically heal yourself if your health falls below a certain level, and it won’t even cost you a turn like normal!

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Source :Indian TV

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