At the same time, the servers will be disabled.
After games like The Crew or Forza Horizon 4, another famous game is about to be completely removed from sales. This time it’s a role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliancewhich was released in 2021 by Tuque Games in collaboration with publisher Wizards of the Coast.
However, he won the title by relying primarily on cooperation. very controversial receptionas illustrated, for example, by an average rating of 53% on the aggregator Metacritic or only 50% of positive user reviews on Steam.
For full digital download on PC and PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S consoles. this will happen exactly on February 24, 2025. On the same day, the developers will begin shutting down the servers. However, for existing owners, the game will remain available in single player mode thanks to the offline mode.
Source :Indian TV