Firewalk praises Concord in latest post

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The developers list their achievements as parting words.

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Developers from a recently closed studio Fire Walk said goodbye with the last post on social networks. They mainly dedicate it to the list of achievements since the founding of the team in 2018.

“During the pandemic, we created a team from a startup. (…) We have created a new, purpose-built next-gen FPS engine in Unreal. [Enginu] 4 and 5, which brings hundreds of thousands of players a top-notch gaming experience, beautiful worlds, and a technically stunning beta experience. (…) We carried out the acquisition and integration. (…) We released an excellent first-person shooter – although in a highly consolidated market it did much worse than we hoped,” describe the authors of the unsuccessful game. Concord.

“We took risks by combining aspects of a card game with a first-person shooter, and while some of these and other aspects didn’t pan out the way we envisioned, the idea of ​​bringing something new is essential to moving the genre forward. “, they add.

PlayStation had high hopes for Concord. According to available information, the development of the game cost $400 million. The title was a disaster upon release. It sold approximately 25,000 copies and the publishing house closed after less than three weeks.

Source : Zing

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