Nintendo There’s a big year ahead. The Japanese company will release a successor to the very popular console Switchbut in short, even those with old hardware who don’t want to upgrade right away won’t come. According to unofficial information from the Comicbook server, Ubisoft, Electronic Arts and Bandai Namco intend to fill the gap. bring remasters of your classic games.
In the case of Ubisoft, the most discussed Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Rayman 3 and two games from the series Driver. EA is reportedly preparing remasters of games originally released for the Wii. SSX blur And Medal of Honor: Heroes 2. Meanwhile, Bandai Namco confirmed. Tales of Graces f Remasteredcoming to Switch in January.
All games are scheduled for release in the first half of 2025 and are mainly aimed at nostalgia. There are many older gamers among Switch owners.
Source :Indian TV