This is experienced designer Fawzi Mesmar.
The second volume, which has been in development for a long time Beyond good and evil found a new creative director more than a year after the death of Emile Morel. He himself boasted of being appointed creative director of the project. Fawzi Mesmarvice president among others Ubisoft.
“In this ambitious game I am with [vývojáři] worked for several years and I personally saw their talent. “I stand on the shoulders of the creative minds that have supported the team before me, and I look forward to continuing to develop a game that will be a truly unique experience for players,” he wrote.
Mesmar has been Vice President of Ubisoft since 2021, while also working as a consultant for other companies. Began developing games as a designer in 2003, later consulting, for example Atlusthe design director was V. Gameloft And King. He flashed briefly BONESwhere he became the lead designer on Battlefield 2042.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 was officially announced in 2016, but has been rebooted several times since at least 2008. Despite the record length of development, Ubisoft has repeatedly insisted that it has not canceled the game. The last time this happened was this summer.
Source :Indian TV